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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Wakakakakakakak....sejak kapan om sat berenang mulai pake bikini?....
Pertama kali ketemu ama om sat, masih pake miniset
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
kan mendramatisir keadaan...hauhauahua
psst...jadi kita lagi gosipin om saat di blkgnya neh :P ?
kejamnya dirimu mas menggosipi anak ilang seperti itu...
ck ck ck
:roll: :roll:
kan saia di jakarta...
tp tdr di kolong jembatan ggp yehh..
:shock: :shock:
1. your shirt is always 1 size smaller
2. Lo miss matching dari atas sampai bawah, but not black / white / blue / grey matching, but colorful matching
3. And you know there are 2 Babylon, one in Bangkok, and in the QAF
4. You know the meaning of “t/b”
5. And you watch American’s Next Top Model
6. You buy Cosmopolitan Men edition
7. Lo paling malas baca FHM, beli Playboy juga edisi pertama doang karena penasaran, lalu gak pernah beli lagi
8. By the time you get your position in busway, you start giving fashion score to everyone in the bus
9. Mango Sale ! Lo sirik ngeliatin etalasenya!
10. Lo demen banget ama Rossa, KD, Titi DJ, Siti Nurhaliza, Melly
11. You love Friends
12. And also Sex and The City
13. Pretty Woman, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail are amongst your favorite movies
14. Lo nonton Queer as Folks
15. Lo juga gak tahan ngeliat kaca, pasti berhenti ngeliatin rambut, baju masih rapi, ngebenerin celana
16. Your toiletries bag is as heavy as your shoe bag
17. You have one product for each body part
18. Lo punya 2 HP, bawa dompet tebal, tapi gak pernah kepikiran pake tas pinggang
19. Lo beli boneka buat ultah ponakan lo, tapi akhirnya lo simpan sendiri
20. There is manicure set in your gym bag
21. Kalo jalan di luar panas, pasti yang sok nutupin muka pake tangan
22. Women always addressing you as the most clean, decent man in the office
23.All the girls comes to you for an advice
banyak ajeeeeee...
gpp kaleee...
be your self ajeee...
8) 8)
namanya jg quiz...
itu kan baru gosip nyank sampe ke kuping gue ... ntar gue akurin deh kalao ketemuan .... heheheheheh
yah begitu lah nasib malank yang gue hadapi semenjak gue jadi seleb alami gene ..... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: