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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Kok aku jadi :oops: , Soorrry aku ngga bermaksud begitu, Untuk selama ini sih aku cuma butuh temen. Aku bukan type cowok yg mudaah jatuh cinta. Andaikata ada yg tertarik berkenalan dengan saya, monggo saya persilahkan ke email [email protected]
I also really sorry if U feel disappointed with me. Maaf bercanda saya kelewatan. Anyway it's nice to see U here. Hope I can meet you someday.
reminding me of "masa masa sma"
hey.. why don't u try to find HIM then??? jogja is not that big, isn't it?? how many univ. in jogja... shouldn't be that difficult is it???
I think u should get back to yourself... do u actually wanna find him??
Ngomong-ngomong, masa SMA kalian gimana sih, pasti ceritanya lain ngga spt saya yg sok munafik ini khan ?
Menurut teman-teman apakah yg saya rasakan ini bisa disebut cinta sejati ? Soalnya walo aku tahu kelemahan dia, tapi aku tetep suka ama dia...[/quote]
Ngga' ada yang namanya munafik kalo udah menyangkut pertahanan untuk hidup. We pretend to be someone else because there is a social rule and religious belief that doesn't favor our sexuality. Our society nowadays is strictly dominated by heteronormativity. Jadi ini memberi "hak" pada masyarakat untuk mengecap golongan kita sebagai "pendosa", "orang sakit", "sampah masyarakat" dll. If you want to survive in this "crazy" society, you may choose either confront them frontally or negotiate with their norms and become a little bit "mediocre". Believe me, to confront them you need very high energy (with I can't have it now). So the best way to save our life is by taking the second choice, and life in your best. Whenever you ready to come out to the society, they will have no chanche to critize your sexuality if you have a high achievement in your life.
Bener juga yaa.... Untuk menerima sebuah pilihan hidup kadang sulit bila kita harus mendapatkan konsekwensinya. Thanks banget, alasanmu sangat rasional ddan bisa saya terima.
wow... smart argument... really.. that's a good one!!
hmmm... your last sentence.. wait till you achieve something high in your life before coming out....LOL... smart idea..LOL LOL... but how... how if, say I never achieve that "point" in my life????
mardi: nah.. I don't think that's something aggressive at ALL..that's so natural... OK... you're interested in someone and you make ur effort to find him... nothing wrong about it, I suppose
Ngga' ada yang namanya munafik kalo udah menyangkut pertahanan untuk hidup. We pretend to be someone else because there is a social rule and religious belief that doesn't favor our sexuality. Our society nowadays is strictly dominated by heteronormativity. Jadi ini memberi "hak" pada masyarakat untuk mengecap golongan kita sebagai "pendosa", "orang sakit", "sampah masyarakat" dll. If you want to survive in this "crazy" society, you may choose either confront them frontally or negotiate with their norms and become a little bit "mediocre". Believe me, to confront them you need very high energy (with I can't have it now). So the best way to save our life is by taking the second choice, and life in your best. Whenever you ready to come out to the society, they will have no chanche to critize your sexuality if you have a high achievement in your life.[/quote]
I believe that everybody shall have their own, their personal "benchmark" to direct their life at that point. The matter is, sometimes we think that the success means we can reach that point, or go far beyond it. I failed several times when I try to reach my point. When I read a book, written by Richard Bach which tittle is "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull”, this book really inspired me and shape the way I am thinking. It’s not about to reach the star or to find the heaven that is important. But our journey to go there that will change our life. We are not the same person anymore as we begin our journey and this is remarkable experience that become distinctive achievement for our life. I am not as handsome as supermodel, or has voice as beautiful as famous singer, or has talent as great as famous writer. So the best way for me is to set my “point” on my own world, not somebodie’s else world. It means that everybody shall not worry to reach their achievement. I do believe that everybody has their own gift. Celebrate our unique gifts as an individual and we shall believe that all of us can be an important part of this glorious drag show we call “life”.
To Innocentius : Hope we can meet someday and become good friend.
well done my friend...
Kalo kata orang Jawa, hidup tenang, ngga' neko-neko, menikmati bagian yang ditetapkan "Yang Diatas", dan menjaga kerukunan dengan sesama. Adalah satu fakta, bahwa sehebat-hebatnya manusia, dia ngga' akan bisa pergi ke kuburan sendirian. Jadi biar kita gay tetep harus menjaga hubungan baik dengan orang lain, baik yang setuju ato tidak ama pilihan hidup kita. Klo kita udah berusaha berbaik sangka sama orang lain, trus dianya ngga' ngasih respon positif, ya tinggalin aja. Gitu koq repot..(ini mengutip salah satu kata-kata mutiara dari mantan Presiden RI ke-4)..