NYMPH()MANIAC is one of 2013/14 films I'm looking forward to. Directornya Lars Von Trier yang sebelumnya menyutradarai Melancholia. Filmnya dirilis dalam 2 parts.
Nymph()maniac bercerita tentang seorang perempuan bernama Joe (Charlotte Gainsbourg) yang pada suatu malam ditolong oleh seorang pria tua (Stellan Skarsgård) setelah dirinya dipukuli di sebuah gang. Kepada pria tersebut, Joe kemudian mengisahkan perjalanan erotiknya dari dia lahir sampai dia berumur 50 tahun (yang di filmnya akan dibagi menjadi 8 chapters).
Nymphomaniac sendiri secara sederhana artinya perempuan dengan dorongan/kebutuhan seksual yang sangat besar (Excessive Sexual Drive) atau hypersexuality. (untuk laki-laki istilah khususnya Satyriasis).
Gue pribadi tertarik dengan film ini karena punya ketertarikan yang besar terhadap topik hypersexuality. XD
Hampir dapat dipastikan tidak diputar di jaringan bioskop 21. Tapi mungkin Blitz, atau beberapa festival film tertentu akan putar film ini.
Castnya, selain Charlotte Gainsbourg (i love her XD), ada Shia LaBeouf, Christian Slater, Uma Thurman, Stellan Skarsgård, Willem Dafoe, Jamie Bell, Stacy Martin.
Official Trailer (1)
NYMPHOMANIAC appetizer - Chapter 1: The Compleat Angler
How does an ordinary bag of chocolate sweets become a symbol of sexual victory?
As Joe and her experienced friend B embark on a train trip, they bet on how many men they can seduce on the ride.
The grand prize is a delicious bag of chocolate sweets, and it soon becomes clear to Joe that in order to win, she needs to lure the prey into biting the hook like a skilled fisherman.
NYMPHOMANIAC appetizer - Chapter 2: Jerôme
"Love is just lust with jealousy added"
Though love is a shallow feeling in the eyes of the cynical nymphomaniac, young Joe is met by forces penetrating her armoured defences.
His name is Jerôme.
NYMPHOMANIAC appetizer - Chapter 3: Mrs. H
Keeping track of a large network of lovers isn’t always easy, and Joe is soon confronted with the unpleasant consequences of being a nymphomaniac.
After all, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
NYMPHOMANIAC appetizer - Chapter 4: Delirium
Confusion. Delusion. Hallucination.
The nymphomaniac's father dies.
NYMPHOMANIAC appetizer - Chapter 5: The Little Organ School
A chorale prelude by Bach:
Three voices each with its own character, but in complete harmony. In other words: POLYPHONY
The nymphomaniac is easily inspired, and acts it out.
NYMPHOMANIAC appetizer - Chapter 6: The Eastern and the Western Church (the Silent Duck)
The Eastern Church is often referred to as the Church of Joy, and the Western Church as the Church of Suffering.
Should you make a mental journey from Rome eastwards, you'll find that you move away from guilt and pain, and towards light and joy.
However, what Joe comes to learn is that pain and pleasure can be closer than you'd think.
NYMPHOMANIAC appetizer Chapter 7: The Mirror
The image you see in a mirror will atfirst glance seem like an exact replica of the object you're looking at. However, this is in fact false, as the object will always be a mirrored, and thus flawed, version of the original object.
Joe tries to rid herself of her sexuality.
NYMPHOMANIAC appetizer Chapter 8: The Gun
Sometimes things hide, because we're familiar with them. But if you change your point of view, they can suddenly take on a whole new meaning.
Joe enters a shady business, and she quickly finds out that her life has taught her some valuable skills.
@firkhafie terus buat bacol? XD
pengen liat shia labeouf banget
hhmmm ....
mr slater is hot like on fire :~))
itu mrs. H nya sebelum e kan nicole kidman pdhl..
baru mau nanya ini